Stay Safe in Sports with the Right Equipment

As athletes continue to grow faster, bigger, and stronger, the forces at work during the normal course of play are also greater than ever, which translates to a higher potential for injury. This is the case in all tiers of competition, as skill levels have gotten higher across the board. Because of these circumstances, appropriate padding and safety protection has never been more important.

Materials like foam have been used for decades in helmets and body padding because of their ability to absorb shock. Every year, more advances are made in the realm of sports equipment padding, but the goal always remains the same: protect athletes as much as physically possible.

Not all sports have the inherent contact of football or hockey, but that doesn’t make impact padding less important. Extreme sports like skateboarding or rollerblading, while individual activities, should still feature helmets and a foam knee pad and elbow pad set for safety. Sometimes, in an effort to offer the most protection, padding can be uncomfortable or rub the wearer the wrong way. Instead of ditching the equipment and losing its protection, adding a piece of cushion rubber to a problem area can make the equipment more comfortable to wear and, in turn, keep the athlete safer.

Safety cushions and pads even have a role in non-competitive exercise. Foam exercise pads are beneficial in Yoga and Pilates by softening the floor by allowing the user to maintain the level of stability necessary for confident movement. Safety and comfort both belong on the playing field and foam cushioning products can provide them.