Improve Personal Safety in Sports with the Right Equipment

As athletes get faster, bigger, and stronger, the forces at work during the course of play in sports are greater than ever, which translates to an increased potential for injury. This situation isn’t just reserved for the upper echelon of athletes and leagues either; skills are higher than they have ever been from professional to pee-wee leagues. For this reason, appropriate safety padding and equipment is more important than ever.

Foam materials have been used for years in safety gear because of its ability to absorb impacts. Advances are constantly being made in the realm of sports safety, but the goal always remains the same: give athletes the most protection possible.

Not all sports have the inherent contact of football or hockey, but that doesn’t mean they don’t require impact padding. Extreme sports like skateboarding or rollerblading are not a contact sport in terms of athlete-to-athlete impact being a component of play, but they are obviously susceptible to crashes and accidents, necessitating helmets and foam knee pad and elbow pad sets. Sometimes, in an effort to offer maximum protection, equipment may be uncomfortable or rub against the wearer in the wrong way. Instead of removing the equipment to get comfortable and losing its protective qualities, adding a sheet of rubber as a buffer to a problem area can pad the problem, making the equipment comfortable enough to wear and, in turn, keeping the athlete safer.

Safety cushions and pads play an important role in exercise and personal fitness as well. Foam exercise pads are useful in Yoga and Pilates by softening the floor while keeping a level of stability that’s necessary for confident movement. Safety and comfort both belong on the playing field, and that is something often achieved through foam cushioning products.