How to Successfully Dispute Chargebacks on Your Merchant Account

Article written by Future Finance Solutions


When it comes to maintaining and keeping your merchant account in good standings it may be harder than you ever imagined and more often than not at no fault of your own. While you stand to earn high profits by bringing your business online you also are at risk of chargebacks which can result in high fees and being blacklisted and unable to open new merchant accounts.

In order to keep your merchant account in good standings you will need to take every precaution necessary to prevent and fight chargebacks. One of the best ways to do this is to use a company that can help to validate the transactions and block chargebacks from happening.

For companies that are considered high risk often need a reliable provider that can help to protect them against fraudulent chargebacks as well as companies that are doing honest business and need help with keeping their profits in their pocket. Fortunately companies such as can help to validate the transactions within 24 hours and will send you a receipt as proof that the customer was the one that chose to make the purchase. Many companies prefer to use businesses such as Solidtrustpay to help protect them against chargebacks especially since any members that attempt to file a chargeback will be terminated and charged a relatively high fee which will give you the protection that you need. Solid trust pay can help to give you the merchant account that you need regardless of what kind of product or service that you provide.